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"AC Service" - repair shop for mobile phones, tablets



"AC Service" - repair shop for mobile phones, tablets

Display not working, screen cracked, not keeps the battery heats the phone to the speakers strange "gurgling", refused camera and Wi-Fi, ostalsa) case... A thousand and one reason to take your gadget to repair.

The doors of our service are always open for you.

We will conduct a free diagnosis,

We will identify the problem and solve it as soon as possible:

* replacement of display module (30 minutes)
* body replacement (40 minutes)
* camera replacement (10 minutes)
* replacement of charging socket (10 minutes)
* battery replacement (15 minutes)
* motherboard replacement (2-4 hours)
* reinstall firmware (1-3 hours)
• replacement of hearing AIDS, musical speaker and microphone (20 minutes)

Turning to us, you save your time!

Daily from 10: 00 to 20: 00. Sunday from 10: 00 to 19: 00.

"AC Service" - мастерская по ремонту мобильных телефонов, планшетов

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