You will not find a warmer, brighter, sincere and interesting place than Yoga-HOUSE in Almaty!
"Yogadom Almaty is a club in the heart of our city, where real yoga lives. A cozy space for classes with professional instructors in an incredibly warm and sincere atmosphere.
• * Over 7 years of work, more than 9,000 people have entrusted their physical and spiritual development to us.
• More than 30 programs to choose from (including exclusive programs, which are not in any yoga center of the city: crossfit yoga, yoga yoga, antigravity, somatics, extraorigalogy, revitonics, birth dances).
* Convenient schedule and 22 hours of training per day.
• More than 20 certified teachers who qualitatively monitor Your development in the classroom.
• Our club has 4 spacious rooms for group and a cozy room for personal training.
* Chillout with library and delicious tea will brighten up Your time and enhance the result Of your practice.
* Our yoga store has everything you need: clothes, mats, natural cosmetics and more.

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